Registration: The course is offered on a sliding scale from $108 to $250.
Description: Nature-based mindfulness practice is a way of cultivating an open quality of awareness in order to connect more deeply with the inner workings of the mind while deepening a connection and appreciation for the supportive qualities of the natural world. Nature-based practice allows you to open to all of your senses and fully engage with the sensory experience of your surroundings as a way to develop a fuller awareness of your mind, life, and your place in the world. Nature serves as your teacher by revealing the wisdom of mindfulness in ways that are not entirely possible in the manufactured indoor world. In this way, it is much easier to develop a sense of awe and wonder for the inner and outer landscapes of your own mind and experiences while discovering the opportunity to cultivate new ways to live in greater harmony with the natural rhythms of life.
Attendance & Recordings: Class sessions will be held for 6 consecutive weeks. Sessions will be held on the same day and at the same time each week. The sessions will be recorded which offers students the opportunity to review the content or take the class on their own time. These recordings will remain available for review for 6 months after the course concludes.